Qualification Awarded Program Süresi Toplam Kredi (AKTS) Öğretim Şekli Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı
Bachelor's (First Cycle) Degree 4 240 FULL TIME TYÇ, TR-NQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011):Level 6
QF-EHEA:First Cycle
TR-NQF-HE, ISCED (1997-2013): 44,52

Program Outcomes


1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Use of Techniques and Tools: Ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including estimation and modeling, for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while being aware of their limitations.
2) Ethical Behavior: Acting in accordance with the principles of the engineering profession*, knowledge of ethical responsibility.
3) Ethical Behavior: Awareness of being impartial, non-discriminatory and inclusive of diversity.
4) Oral and Written Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in technical matters, both verbally and in writing, taking into account the various differences of the target audience (such as education, language,profession).
5) Project Management: Knowledge of business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis.
6) Project Management: Awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation.
7) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning skills that include independent and continuous learning, adapting to new and developing technologies, and questioning thinking about technological changes.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems.
2) Problem Analysis: Ability to define, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using basic science, mathematics and engineering knowledge and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals*
3) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work individually (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
4) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
5) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Research and Review: Ability to use research methods for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
Learning Competence
1) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, science, basic engineering, computer computing.
2) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in subjects specific to the discipline of industrial engineering.
Field Specific Competence
1) Engineering Design: Ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems.
2) Research and Review: Ability to conduct literature research for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
3) Research and Review: Ability to design experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
4) Research and Review: Ability to conduct experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
5) Research and Review: Ability to analyze and interpret results for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
6) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge of the impacts of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability and the environment within the scope of the UN Sustainable
7) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Awareness of the legal implications of engineering solutions.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Engineering Design: Ability to design complex systems, processes, devices or products to meet current and future needs, considering realistic constraints and conditions*.
2) Research and Investigation: Ability to collect data to investigate complex engineering problems.

Program Gains Program Level

Program Outcomes TR-NQF-HE 6 (Bachelor) Level Descriptors TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors
44 - Physical science
TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors
52 - Engineering and Engineering Trades
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Use of Techniques and Tools: Ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including estimation and modeling, for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while being aware of their limitations.
2) Ethical Behavior: Acting in accordance with the principles of the engineering profession*, knowledge of ethical responsibility.
3) Ethical Behavior: Awareness of being impartial, non-discriminatory and inclusive of diversity.
4) Oral and Written Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in technical matters, both verbally and in writing, taking into account the various differences of the target audience (such as education, language,profession).
5) Project Management: Knowledge of business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis.
6) Project Management: Awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation.
7) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning skills that include independent and continuous learning, adapting to new and developing technologies, and questioning thinking about technological changes.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems.
2) Problem Analysis: Ability to define, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using basic science, mathematics and engineering knowledge and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals*
3) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work individually (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
4) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
5) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Research and Review: Ability to use research methods for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
Learning Competence
1) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, science, basic engineering, computer computing.
2) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in subjects specific to the discipline of industrial engineering.
Field Specific Competence
1) Engineering Design: Ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems.
2) Research and Review: Ability to conduct literature research for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
3) Research and Review: Ability to design experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
4) Research and Review: Ability to conduct experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
5) Research and Review: Ability to analyze and interpret results for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
6) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge of the impacts of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability and the environment within the scope of the UN Sustainable
7) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Awareness of the legal implications of engineering solutions.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Engineering Design: Ability to design complex systems, processes, devices or products to meet current and future needs, considering realistic constraints and conditions*.
2) Research and Investigation: Ability to collect data to investigate complex engineering problems.


1) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, science, basic engineering, computer computing.
2) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in subjects specific to the discipline of industrial engineering.
3) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems.
4) Problem Analysis: Ability to define, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using basic science, mathematics and engineering knowledge and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals*
5) Engineering Design: Ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems.
6) Engineering Design: Ability to design complex systems, processes, devices or products to meet current and future needs, considering realistic constraints and conditions*.
7) Use of Techniques and Tools: Ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including estimation and modeling, for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while being aware of their limitations.
8) Research and Review: Ability to conduct literature research for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
9) Research and Review: Ability to design experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
10) Research and Review: Ability to conduct experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
11) Research and Investigation: Ability to collect data to investigate complex engineering problems.
12) Research and Review: Ability to analyze and interpret results for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
13) Research and Review: Ability to use research methods for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
14) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge of the impacts of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability and the environment within the scope of the UN Sustainable
15) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Awareness of the legal implications of engineering solutions.
16) Ethical Behavior: Acting in accordance with the principles of the engineering profession*, knowledge of ethical responsibility.
17) Ethical Behavior: Awareness of being impartial, non-discriminatory and inclusive of diversity.
18) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work individually (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
19) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
20) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
21) Oral and Written Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in technical matters, both verbally and in writing, taking into account the various differences of the target audience (such as education, language,profession).
22) Project Management: Knowledge of business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis.
23) Project Management: Awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation.
24) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning skills that include independent and continuous learning, adapting to new and developing technologies, and questioning thinking about technological changes.