Qualification Awarded Program Süresi Toplam Kredi (AKTS) Öğretim Şekli Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı
Bachelor's (First Cycle) Degree 4 240 FULL TIME TYÇ, TR-NQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011):Level 6
QF-EHEA:First Cycle
TR-NQF-HE, ISCED (1997-2013): 44,52

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: 5010003072
Ders İsmi: Biostatistics
Ders Yarıyılı: Spring
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Labs Credit ECTS
2 2 3
Language of instruction: EN
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Other Recommended Topics for the Course:
Type of course: Üniversite Seçmeli
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery:
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. Erkan KOLAT
Course Lecturer(s):
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives:
Course Content:

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation


Course Notes / Textbooks:

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları
Program Outcomes
1) Adequate knowledge of mathematics (a), science (b) and industrial engineering (c) (1) and the ability to use this knowledge in complex engineering problems.
2) Ability to work effectively both individually and in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams.
3) Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning and the ability to access information, to follow developments in science and technology, and to constantly renew oneself.
4) Knowledge of project management, risk management, innovation and change management, entrepreneurship and sustainable development
5) Awareness of the sectors and the ability to prepare a business plan.
6) Professional and ethical responsibility awareness and acting in accordance with ethical principles.
7) Information about the problems of the age in the field of engineering and the effects and legal consequences of engineering practices on health, environment and safety in universal and social dimensions.
8) Information about current engineering practices and standards used in engineering practices.
9) The ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems, and the ability to select and apply appropriate analysis and modeling methods for this purpose.
10) The ability to design a complex system, process, device or product using modern methods under realistic constraints and conditions and to meet specific requirements.
11) The ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools necessary for the solution of engineering problems, and the ability to use information technologies effectively.
12) Ability to design and conduct experiments, collect data, analyze data and interpret results for the study of engineering problems or research issues.
13) Ability to communicate effectively, write reports and make presentations in Turkish and English with oral, written and visual methods.
14) In-depth knowledge of appropriate analytical and experimental methods and computational methods for system integration such as simulation (a), production systems (b) operations research (c) and statistics (d).
15) Skills in designing (a) and improving (b), defining goals and criteria (c), analyzing (d) and developing solutions (e) systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy to creatively solve real-life problems

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Adequate knowledge of mathematics (a), science (b) and industrial engineering (c) (1) and the ability to use this knowledge in complex engineering problems.
2) Ability to work effectively both individually and in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams.
3) Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning and the ability to access information, to follow developments in science and technology, and to constantly renew oneself.
4) Knowledge of project management, risk management, innovation and change management, entrepreneurship and sustainable development
5) Awareness of the sectors and the ability to prepare a business plan.
6) Professional and ethical responsibility awareness and acting in accordance with ethical principles.
7) Information about the problems of the age in the field of engineering and the effects and legal consequences of engineering practices on health, environment and safety in universal and social dimensions.
8) Information about current engineering practices and standards used in engineering practices.
9) The ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems, and the ability to select and apply appropriate analysis and modeling methods for this purpose.
10) The ability to design a complex system, process, device or product using modern methods under realistic constraints and conditions and to meet specific requirements.
11) The ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools necessary for the solution of engineering problems, and the ability to use information technologies effectively.
12) Ability to design and conduct experiments, collect data, analyze data and interpret results for the study of engineering problems or research issues.
13) Ability to communicate effectively, write reports and make presentations in Turkish and English with oral, written and visual methods.
14) In-depth knowledge of appropriate analytical and experimental methods and computational methods for system integration such as simulation (a), production systems (b) operations research (c) and statistics (d).
15) Skills in designing (a) and improving (b), defining goals and criteria (c), analyzing (d) and developing solutions (e) systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy to creatively solve real-life problems

Öğrenme Etkinliği ve Öğretme Yöntemleri

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri ve Kriterleri

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
total %
total %