Qualification Awarded Program Süresi Toplam Kredi (AKTS) Öğretim Şekli Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı
Associate (Short Cycle) Degree 2 120 FULL TIME TYÇ, TR-NQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011):Level 5
QF-EHEA:Short Cycle
TR-NQF-HE, ISCED (1997-2013): 48,52

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: 2000002013
Ders İsmi: Artificial Intelligence
Ders Yarıyılı: Spring
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Labs Credit ECTS
3 0 0 3 3
Language of instruction: TR
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Other Recommended Topics for the Course:
Type of course: Bölüm Seçmeli
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. Serhat DALGALIDERE
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. Serhat DALGALIDERE
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to artificial intelligence, including the basic techniques and mechanisms of artificial intelligence. It is aimed that the students who complete this course will understand the historical and conceptual development of artificial intelligence, the aims of artificial intelligence and the methods it uses to achieve these goals, the social and economic role of artificial intelligence, and by analyzing the problems, determining where artificial intelligence techniques can be used and using artificial intelligence techniques.
Course Content: Introduction to artificial intelligence, Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Turing Test, Search methods, Planning, Heuristic Problem Solving, Information representation, Predicate Logic, Artificial Intelligence Programming Languages, Programming with Common Lisp, Game Theory, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence Applications.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Learning Artificial Intelligence concepts
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Understanding the application areas
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Reinforcement by doing practical work on a sample project
Learning Competence
1) To understand how to construct the algorithm in all system studies.
Field Specific Competence
1) Creating demos to work on artificial intelligence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) To be able to create system analysis and set up a programming scheme

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Meeting students and explaining the content of the course.
2) Artificial Intelligence Definition, History, Development and Application Areas
3) Data Mining, Steps of the Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining and Its Relationship with Other Fields.
4) What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Methods
5) Classification, Basic Concepts of Classification.
6) Decision Trees, Separation and Stopping Criteria in Decision Trees
7) Decision Tree Algorithms
8) Midterm Exam-1
9) Support Vector Machines
10) Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression Types
11) Bayes Classifiers, Definition of Probability, Basic Concepts and Probability Axioms
12) Midterm Exam-2
13) K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
14) Clustering Analysis, Stages of Clustering Analysis and Clustering Methods
15) Fınal Exam


Course Notes / Textbooks: Ders Notları
References: 1.Vasif Nabiyev, Yapay Zeka, 5. Baskı, Seçkin Yayınevi
2.Yapay Zeka Ders Notu, Cahit Karakuş, 2023.
3. Makine Öğrenmesinde Sınıflandırma Yöntemleri ve R Uygulamaları, Selçuk Alp, Ersoy Öz., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2019.

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları







Program Outcomes
1) Having knowledge and skills in security algorithms for programming
2) Ability to install and manage software required for end user security
3) Having the ability to install and manage computer networks and use the network operating system
4) Have basic database and web programming skills

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Having knowledge and skills in security algorithms for programming 2
2) Ability to install and manage software required for end user security 3
3) Having the ability to install and manage computer networks and use the network operating system 2
4) Have basic database and web programming skills 2

Öğrenme Etkinliği ve Öğretme Yöntemleri

Alan Çalışması
Bireysel çalışma ve ödevi
Grup çalışması ve ödevi
Problem Çözme
Proje Hazırlama
Rapor Yazma
Rol oynama
Soru cevap/ Tartışma
Sosyal Faaliyet
Örnek olay çalışması
Web Tabanlı Öğrenme

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri ve Kriterleri

Yazılı Sınav (Açık uçlu sorular, çoktan seçmeli, doğru yanlış, eşleştirme, boşluk doldurma, sıralama)
Sözlü sınav
Bilgisayar Destekli Sunum
Örnek olay sunma

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Semester Final Exam 1 % 60
total % 100
total % 100

İş Yükü ve AKTS Kredisi Hesaplaması

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 2 28
Study Hours Out of Class 14 2 28
Midterms 1 10 10
Final 1 10 10
Total Workload 76