Qualification Awarded Program Süresi Toplam Kredi (AKTS) Öğretim Şekli Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı
4 240 FULL TIME TYÇ, TR-NQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011):Level 6
QF-EHEA:First Cycle
TR-NQF-HE, ISCED (1997-2013): 44,52

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: 1411002020
Ders İsmi: Small and Medium Enterprises Management
Ders Yarıyılı: Spring
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Labs Credit ECTS
3 0 0 3 5
Language of instruction: EN
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Other Recommended Topics for the Course:
Type of course: Department Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Elif TARAKÇI
Course Lecturer(s):
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives: Critically assess the characteristics, behavior and motivations of family-owned SMEs and draw informed conclusions about current and proposed international business futures,
Assessing the nature of the business environment, business opportunities and threats as it affects small and medium-sized businesses.
Evaluate the relationship of creativity and innovation with family-owned SMEs and the development of business opportunities,
Evaluating the importance of the contribution of management and leadership in the success of SMEs
Course Content: The importance of SMEs is indisputable: they make up the majority of businesses in global markets, contribute to economic growth and prosperity at the national level, and are key drivers of employment and innovation. This course will consider the management of these important contributions of these structures to the global and national economies. The course focuses on the key features and key processes of strategic management of small and medium-sized enterprises. The course also focuses on understanding the key characteristics of SMEs and family-owned and family-run small and medium-sized firms, and the factors and decisions that influence their sustainable competitive advantages over time.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) To be able to describe the main characteristics (qualitative and quantitative) of an SME.
2) Be able to describe the impact of family ownership on strategic decision making in an SME.
3) Identify strategic positioning options for an SME, taking into account the industry structure and the firm's resources and capabilities
4) Ability to identify possible growth options for an SME.
5) Ability to qualitatively evaluate the feasibility of possible growth options for an SME
6) To be able to evaluate the economic feasibility of the chosen growth option for an SME.
7) Identify the impact of the macroeconomic and institutional economic context as well as the role of industrial zones on the competitive performance of SMEs
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Starting Your Small Business Lecture Notes
2) Family-Owned Businesses Lecture Notes
3) Forms of Ownership of Small Businesses Lecture Notes
4) Create, Buy, or Franchise a Small Business Lecture Notes
5) Planning, Organizing, and Managing a Small Business Lecture Notes
6) How to Obtain the Right Financing for Your Business Lecture Notes
7) Developing Marketing Strategies Lecture Notes
8) Midterm exam
9) How to Obtain and Manage Human Resources and Diversity in Small Companies Lecture Notes
10) How Do You Maintain Your Relationships With Your Employees and Their Representatives? Lecture Notes
11) Obtaining and Laying Out Operating Facilities Lecture Notes
12) Purchasing, Inventory, and Quality Control Lecture Notes
13) Basic Financial Planning Lecture Notes
14) General review before the final exam Lecture Notes
15) project presentations Lecture Notes
16) Final Exam


Course Notes / Textbooks: Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur's Guidebook, 8th Edition, By Mary Jane Byrdand Leon Megginson ISBN10: 1259538982, ISBN13: 9781259538988 Copyright: 2018.
O. ANNUSHKINA, L. CARCANO, U. LASSINI, et al., Strategic Management and Small andMedium Enterprises, McGraw, 2012.
References: Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur's Guidebook, 8th Edition, By Mary Jane Byrdand Leon Megginson ISBN10: 1259538982, ISBN13: 9781259538988 Copyright: 2018.
O. ANNUSHKINA, L. CARCANO, U. LASSINI, et al., Strategic Management and Small andMedium Enterprises, McGraw, 2012.
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management / Norman M.. Scarborough, jeffrey R. Cornwall

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları








Program Outcomes
1) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, science, basic engineering, computer computing.
2) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in subjects specific to the discipline of industrial engineering.
3) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems.
4) Problem Analysis: Ability to define, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using basic science, mathematics and engineering knowledge and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals*
5) Engineering Design: Ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems.
6) Engineering Design: Ability to design complex systems, processes, devices or products to meet current and future needs, considering realistic constraints and conditions*.
7) Use of Techniques and Tools: Ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including estimation and modeling, for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while being aware of their limitations.
8) Research and Review: Ability to conduct literature research for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
9) Research and Review: Ability to design experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
10) Research and Review: Ability to conduct experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
11) Research and Investigation: Ability to collect data to investigate complex engineering problems.
12) Research and Review: Ability to analyze and interpret results for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
13) Research and Review: Ability to use research methods for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
14) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge of the impacts of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability and the environment within the scope of the UN Sustainable
15) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Awareness of the legal implications of engineering solutions.
16) Ethical Behavior: Acting in accordance with the principles of the engineering profession*, knowledge of ethical responsibility.
17) Ethical Behavior: Awareness of being impartial, non-discriminatory and inclusive of diversity.
18) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work individually (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
19) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
20) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
21) Oral and Written Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in technical matters, both verbally and in writing, taking into account the various differences of the target audience (such as education, language,profession).
22) Project Management: Knowledge of business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis.
23) Project Management: Awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation.
24) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning skills that include independent and continuous learning, adapting to new and developing technologies, and questioning thinking about technological changes.

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, science, basic engineering, computer computing.
2) Engineering Knowledge: Knowledge in subjects specific to the discipline of industrial engineering.
3) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems.
4) Problem Analysis: Ability to define, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using basic science, mathematics and engineering knowledge and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals*
5) Engineering Design: Ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems.
6) Engineering Design: Ability to design complex systems, processes, devices or products to meet current and future needs, considering realistic constraints and conditions*.
7) Use of Techniques and Tools: Ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including estimation and modeling, for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while being aware of their limitations.
8) Research and Review: Ability to conduct literature research for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
9) Research and Review: Ability to design experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
10) Research and Review: Ability to conduct experiments for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
11) Research and Investigation: Ability to collect data to investigate complex engineering problems.
12) Research and Review: Ability to analyze and interpret results for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
13) Research and Review: Ability to use research methods for the investigation of complex engineering problems.
14) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge of the impacts of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability and the environment within the scope of the UN Sustainable
15) Global Impact of Engineering Practices: Awareness of the legal implications of engineering solutions.
16) Ethical Behavior: Acting in accordance with the principles of the engineering profession*, knowledge of ethical responsibility.
17) Ethical Behavior: Awareness of being impartial, non-discriminatory and inclusive of diversity.
18) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work individually (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
19) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
20) Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively as a team member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely or mixed).
21) Oral and Written Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in technical matters, both verbally and in writing, taking into account the various differences of the target audience (such as education, language,profession).
22) Project Management: Knowledge of business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis.
23) Project Management: Awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation.
24) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning skills that include independent and continuous learning, adapting to new and developing technologies, and questioning thinking about technological changes.

Öğrenme Etkinliği ve Öğretme Yöntemleri


Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri ve Kriterleri

Yazılı Sınav (Açık uçlu sorular, çoktan seçmeli, doğru yanlış, eşleştirme, boşluk doldurma, sıralama)

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Semester Final Exam 1 % 60
total % 100
total % 100

İş Yükü ve AKTS Kredisi Hesaplaması

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 2 28
Study Hours Out of Class 14 3 42
Midterms 1 2 2
Final 1 2 2
Total Workload 74