Course Objectives: |
The aim of this course is to try to understand philosophical thought. In this context, it will be studied how the concepts such as being, mind, knowledge, science, belief, value, ethics, will, politics, and art are interpreted by philosophers in philosophical thought. |
Course Content: |
The basic concepts of philosophy, basic questions of philosophy, philosophical approaches on being, mind, knowledge, science, ethics, ethics, will, politics, art will be discussed. |
Week |
Subject |
Related Preparation |
1) |
The emergence of Philosophy in different parts of the world |
WARBURTON Nigel, A little History of Philosophy, Yale Univerity Press, 2012. |
2) |
Development of written Philosophy in Ancient Greece |
WARBURTON Nigel, A little History of Philosophy, Yale Univerity Press, 2012. |
4) |
Early philosophers of nature-Ionian school |
WARBURTON Nigel, A little History of Philosophy, Yale Univerity Press, 2012. |
5) |
the myth of Psyche and its significance |
Bremmer, J., 1983, The Early Greek Concept of the Soul, Princeton: Princeton University Press. |
6) |
Pythagoras and Dualism |
Huffman, Carl, "Pythagoras", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = |
7) |
Metempsychosis, mathematics, and harmony in Pythagorean thought |
Kahn, C., 2001, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Indianapolis: Hackett.
8) |
Midterm exam |
9) |
Plato: Forms |
Plato, Republic |
10) |
Plato: Allegory of the cave |
Plato: Republic |
11) |
Plato's three partite theory of the soul and metempschosis |
Lorenz, H., 2008, “Plato on the Soul”, in The Oxford Handbook of Plato, G. Fine (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
12) |
Aristotle: Hylomorphism and theory of 4 causes |
Aristotle: Physics |
13) |
Psyche in Aristotelian thought |
Charles, D., 2021, The Undivided Self: Aristotle and the Mind-Body Problem, Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
14) |
Descartes's theory of mind and cognitive components: L'Homme |
René Descartes, Treatise on Man |
15) |
the 1st and 2nd meditations of Descartes |
René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy |
16) |
Final exam |