Qualification Awarded Program Süresi Toplam Kredi (AKTS) Öğretim Şekli Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı
Bachelor's (First Cycle) Degree 4 240 FULL TIME TYÇ, TR-NQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011):Level 6
QF-EHEA:First Cycle
TR-NQF-HE, ISCED (1997-2013):

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: 1312211001
Ders İsmi: Physiology for Social Sciences
Ders Yarıyılı: Fall
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Labs Credit ECTS
3 0 0 3 5
Language of instruction: EN
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Other Recommended Topics for the Course: None.
Type of course: Necessary
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Fatma GÖRAL
Course Lecturer(s):
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives: Students will acquire a relatively sophisticated understanding of the aforementioned topics.
Course Content: Topics will include the historical background of physiological psychology, research methods in physiological psychology, fundamentals of neuroanatomy, cellular organization and neurochemical bases of behavior, psychopharmacology and drugs of abuse, sensory processing, motor function, and the neuroscience of sleep, cognitive neuroscience (memory and language), hemispheric specialization, executive and motivational control (focus on the frontal lobes), and neurologic disorders.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Gain the basic and general knowledge of the field of physiology.
2) Gains knowledge of brain structures and their relationship with cognitive processes.
3) Demonstrate a scientific approach in understanding, evaluating and explaining the behavior of organisms at the cellular, structural and systems level.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
1) Knows the main approaches and techniques used in the study of physiological processes.
Field Specific Competence
1) Discuss the physiological basis of various diseases.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Overview: Historical background and research methods in physiological psychology [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
2) Fundamentals of neuroanatomy [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
3) Cellular organization and neurochemical bases of behavior [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
4) Cellular organization and neurochemical bases of behavior [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
5) Quiz (covers material reviewed during weeks 1 -4) Psychopharmacology and drugs of abuse [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
6) Psychopharmacology and drugs of abuse [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
7) Neuroscience of sleep [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
8) Midterm Exam (covers material reviewed during weeks 1 - 7)
9) Sensory processing [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
10) Motor function [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
11) Cognitive neuroscience: Memory [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
12) Cognitive neuroscience: Language and Hemispheric Specialization [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
13) Executive and Motivational Control: Focus on the Frontal Lobes [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
14) Neurologic disorders [1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics. [2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes. [3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student. Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
15) Final Exam (covers topics we reviewed after the midterm).
16) Final Exam (covers topics we reviewed after the midterm).


Course Notes / Textbooks: [1] Dersi veren öğretim üyesi tarafından ayrıntılı ders notları verilecektir.
[2] Dersi veren öğretim üyesi tüm PowerPoint sunumlarını derslerin ilk haftasında iletecektir.
[3] Çeşitli konularda daha fazla arka plan bilgisi isteyen öğrenciler için bir ders kitabı mevcuttur. Bu ders kitabının okunması zorunlu değildir. İsteğe bağlıdır. Öğrenci tarafından talep edilmesi halinde, öğretim üyesi ders kitabının elektronik versiyonunu sağlayacaktır.
[1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics.
[2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes.
[3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student.
Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat
References: [1] Dersi veren öğretim üyesi tarafından ayrıntılı ders notları verilecektir.
[2] Dersi veren öğretim üyesi tüm PowerPoint sunumlarını derslerin ilk haftasında iletecektir.
[3] Çeşitli konularda daha fazla arka plan bilgisi isteyen öğrenciler için bir ders kitabı mevcuttur. Bu ders kitabının okunması zorunlu değildir. İsteğe bağlıdır. Öğrenci tarafından talep edilmesi halinde, öğretim üyesi ders kitabının elektronik versiyonunu sağlayacaktır.
[1] The instructor will distribute very detailed outlines for all topics.
[2] The instructor will forward all PowerPoint presentations during the first week of classes.
[3] A textbook is available for students who desire more background information on various topics. This textbook is not required reading. It is optional. Your instructor will provide an electronic version of the textbook, if requested by the student.
Text: Biological Psychology (2016) (12th Edition). Author: James W. Kalat

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları






Program Outcomes

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution

Öğrenme Etkinliği ve Öğretme Yöntemleri

Beyin fırtınası /Altı şapka
Soru cevap/ Tartışma

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri ve Kriterleri

Yazılı Sınav (Açık uçlu sorular, çoktan seçmeli, doğru yanlış, eşleştirme, boşluk doldurma, sıralama)

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Semester Final Exam 1 % 40
Quiz 1 % 20
total % 100
total % 100

İş Yükü ve AKTS Kredisi Hesaplaması

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Study Hours Out of Class 14 7 98
Midterms 2 3 6
Final 1 6 6
Total Workload 152